Sunday, September 23, 2012

Holy Binary Bovines! Robots!

Nothing in this mortal universe is immutable and everything is subject to change... especially my blog. The Raving Nerd has died a painful death under the lethal guns of the Robot Overlords. New management (re: essentially me but with more coffee) will be making many changes around here. Hell, I can't even guarantee the Robot Overlords are going to stick around for long.

I'm bored and I want to write stuff that other people will read and hopefully find amusing/thought provoking/dumb enough to get a reaction out of. So if you're reading this, REACT damn your eyes! With the Raving Nerd I tried to have some form of structure to the things that I was writing. I kept trying to push myself to sit at a keyboard and actually punch out something that made sense, like an article or a piece of fiction but I've realized that I can't do that. My writing just comes to me when it wants to and when I sit down and try to force it I end up writing three paragraphs of shit, deleting it and then crying into my coffee for an hour about how inadequate I am losing interest and going off to play video games.

So here let me unveil Robots Building Robots! my new (re: pretty much the same as the old) blog. Wheee!

I'll leave you with the first image that comes up when punching Robots Building Robots! into google search. The Robot Overlords tell me it's not sinister and that I am totally reading too much into it......

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