Saturday, March 2, 2013

Blog Update

For your reading convenience I have updated the reviews page to contain links to all the reviews I have written and changed the About Me (or as I like to call it, the Narcissism page) page to a Fiction & Short Stories page with links.

Expect to see more stuff coming soon. 

Crimson Slaughter Test Models

As promised an update! All of the pics should be clickable for larger versions.

Here are the first two test models, primed and ready to rock:

I then gave both the models a heavy wash in Nuln Oil to bring out the depth and shadows:

After that I moved onto working on the black based model only. I started by buffing up the armour plates with the same red I used for the base coat and then doing the trim in gold.

Once that was done I dry brushed the bolter a metallic colour but left some of the red showing through. I think it gives it an older, corroded look which I like. I moved onto the highlights, buffed the red with a mix of the original base colour and a lighter red to really bring out the armour sections and I went over the gold with a lighter gold. Then I highlighted the very edges with silver to make the gold 'pop'. This needs to be redone with a mix of silver and gold as they're too silver at the moment. Finally, I did the breastplate eye and the eyes in turquoise  I used a black wash to get the darkened effect around the eye on the chest.

And that is where I am at as of now. Next up all the detail work and the power pack will get done and then the base, finishing this guy off. I haven't decided how I am  going to base these guys yet, so they might remain incomplete for a little while. Then the second model will get the same treatment so that I can compare whether a black or white prime looks better. Then, it's on to the Helbrute!

Thanks for reading. If you'd like to check out any of my other models or photos you can find them in my Dakka gallery here.