It's been brought to my attention that there are actual, living, breathing humans who visit my blog. Apparently the page views I've been getting lately aren't just viagra bots. It appears that I have been linked by the kindly fellows over at the 'How To Speak With Girls blog'. Not sure if they intended to link me, but hey! free page views so thanks guys/girls/aliens!
Anyway, my body has recently informed me that it's jack of being uber-human and as such has invited a bunch of bacteria to come and party in my lungs for a week. Now, I know what you're thinking, parties are awesome right so how can that be a bad thing? Well, it's like being the landlord of a property that's used exclusively for parties that you're never invited to but definitely expected to clean up after. Everyone else is having the fun and you're left with nothing but a billion empty beer cans and the lingering smell of vomit. I wasn't aware it was possible for lungs to contain the level of mucus that has been making an appearance of late without me statistically being 'drowned'.
In further news it's 11pm and I am high on painkillers, steroids, antibiotics and a very small amount of scotch.