5th Company is comprised of a Company Master, 6 Tactical Squads, 2 Assault Squads, 2 Devastator Squads, Dreadnoughts and Rhino's.
So far my 5th Company has -
Company Master Balthazar (HQ), Master of 5th Company, holder of the Keys of Correction and Seeker of the Truth.
Librarian Turmiel (HQ, from the Librarius, assigned to 5th)
Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus (HQ, from the Chaplaincy, assigned to 5th)
1st Tactical Squad: Raphael
1st Tactical Squad: Raphael
2nd Tactical Squad: Vasari
Also I have the beginnings of 1st Company (1 squad of Deathwing) and 2nd Company (1 Ravenwing combat squad). I will be trying to score most of my models cheap off eBay and I'll be trying to run a few conversions to make my guys look a bit more unique than just the standard Space Marines. I have some bits coming to differentiate Sergeant Vasari even more from Raphael and my eyes are peeled for cheap Dreadnoughts and Rhino's as I'd really love to paint one.
Finally, I have decided to paint all the correct Company and Tactical markings on each squad... wish me luck. :s
Here are some WIP photos of 5th company so far:
(My full gallery of pictures in larger sizes and better quality, including my partners Eldar and soon my Chaos Space Marines, can be found on my Dakka gallery here:Paint_To_Redemption's DakkaDakka Gallery )

Also I have the beginnings of 1st Company (1 squad of Deathwing) and 2nd Company (1 Ravenwing combat squad). I will be trying to score most of my models cheap off eBay and I'll be trying to run a few conversions to make my guys look a bit more unique than just the standard Space Marines. I have some bits coming to differentiate Sergeant Vasari even more from Raphael and my eyes are peeled for cheap Dreadnoughts and Rhino's as I'd really love to paint one.
Finally, I have decided to paint all the correct Company and Tactical markings on each squad... wish me luck. :s
Here are some WIP photos of 5th company so far:
(My full gallery of pictures in larger sizes and better quality, including my partners Eldar and soon my Chaos Space Marines, can be found on my Dakka gallery here:Paint_To_Redemption's DakkaDakka Gallery )