Monday, February 25, 2013

Monstrous Painting Competition

My friendly local Games Workshop is holding a painting competition which I have decided to enter. This one is for big models and I have decided to paint the Helbrute Dreadnought, Mortis Metalikus from the Dark Vengeance starter set. It will be the first model I've entered into a competition and I will be keeping a progress log here and also on the Dakka forums.

Here's the beast, ready for priming:

I will be going with the default Crimson Slaughter paint job as I quite enjoy the fluff surrounding the Dark Vengeance kit. Firstly, I'll be painting up two of the Chosen that came with the kit so that I get a bit of practice on the overall colour scheme that I'll be going with:

Here are the steps I'm going to use on my first test model:

1) Prime with Citadel Chaos Black spray paint

2) Base entire model in Mephiston Red
3) Heavy black wash

4) Paint all metallics
5) Block red back in with Mephiston Red
6) Highlight red with either Evil Sunz Scarlet or Wazdakka Red.

I haven't yet decided how I am going to do the detail work such as the horns or the flesh tones on the Hellbrute itself. I am looking for a reasonably bright arterial look for the red on the armour  like fresh blood and so I was thinking of a paler, deader looking skin to contrast.

I have also made myself a wet pallette using the tutorial I found on Dakka. It works great!

Stay tuned as I will try and post at least one update a week on how this is going. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Dark Angels 5th Company Update

So I have decided that my goal with my 'Warhammer Obsession' from my last note will be to collect the entire 5th Company of Dark Angels. It's ambitious and I think it'll take me a fair while to accomplish, but it'd be really cool. If I can do it within a reasonable time frame (a year or so) then I might think about trying to collect the entire Dark Angels Chapter as an extremely long term goal.

5th Company is comprised of a Company Master, 6 Tactical Squads, 2 Assault Squads, 2 Devastator Squads, Dreadnoughts and Rhino's.

So far my 5th Company has -

Company Master Balthazar (HQ), Master of 5th Company, holder of the Keys of Correction and Seeker of the Truth.

Librarian Turmiel (HQ, from the Librarius, assigned to 5th)
Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus (HQ, from the Chaplaincy, assigned to 5th)

1st Tactical Squad: Raphael

2nd Tactical Squad: Vasari

Also I have the beginnings of 1st Company (1 squad of Deathwing) and 2nd Company (1 Ravenwing combat squad). I will be trying to score most of my models cheap off eBay and I'll be trying to run a few conversions to make my guys look a bit more unique than just the standard Space Marines. I have some bits coming to differentiate Sergeant Vasari even more from Raphael and my eyes are peeled for cheap Dreadnoughts and Rhino's as I'd really love to paint one.

Finally, I have decided to paint all the correct Company and Tactical markings on each squad... wish me luck. :s

Here are some WIP photos of 5th company so far:

(My full gallery of pictures in larger sizes and better quality, including my partners Eldar and soon my Chaos Space Marines, can be found on my Dakka gallery here:Paint_To_Redemption's DakkaDakka Gallery )